Association of Italians Abroad
Article 1.
“A.I.E.” Establishment
The association (which from now on we wil call
A.I.E.) is legally based in Florence, Italy, and is named: “Associazione
Italiani all’Estero - A.I.E.”.
The legal address of the Association is the following: Via Il Torrino, 1 - 50010
Trespiano (Firenze) - Italy.
The Executive Council wil reserve the right to establish A.I.E.’s branches in
other Italian cities as well as abroad and will decide, on a case by case basis,
the form, duties and purposes of each branch.
Article 2.
A.I.E. has the following purposes:
a) to maintain and reinforce the relationships and the cultural links of the
Italians who are abroad for business reasons with their Country;
b) to preserve the traditions and the remembrance of Italy for members and their
c) to organize and promote meetings with members by endorsing and sponsoring
cultural and recreational events; establishing prizes and certificates of merit
for Italians who distinguished themselves in business, in the arts, in the
sciences and in culture;
d) to protect the rights of Italians workers abroad and to study the nature of
their problems;
e) to present proposals and opinion to the Government and its agencies in order
to ensure both a tighter relationship between Italian workers abroad and Italy
and a smoother social and economic transition for workers returning to the home
f) to promote studies of the emigration phenomenon both in its historical and
its actual perspective;
g) to promote the historical and social recovery of the Italian workers and/or
their descendants who are living abroad;
h) to inform the members about facts and issues pertaining to the status of
foreign workers and, also, about employment opportunities in Italy and abroad.
Towards these purposes, A.I.E. will publish a magazine and a newsletter that
will be sent to each member. Furthermore, A.I.E., within its chartered
objectives, will be able to represent Italian members abroad who may have
grievances with central and local agencies, economic, social and political
organizations in Italy and abroad. The organization will sponsor the member’s
proposals, requests and issues. A.I.E. is a non-political and not-forprofit
Article 3.
The persons who can apply for the membership of
the organization are:
a) Italian citizens registered in the A.I.R.E. (Anagrafe Italiani Residenti
b) Italian citizens who are even temporarily working or studying abroad;
c) Italian citizens who are resident in Italy but with a deep interest in, and
agreement with, the purpose of A.I.E.;
d) Foreign citizens able to prove their Italian origin.
The members can belong to the following categories:
1. Founder Members: those who founded A.I.E. and underwrote the charter;
2. Effective Members: those who can prove to be Italians either by birth
or by origin;
3. Supporting Members: those who will pay at least double the amount of
the annual fee for a minimum period of five years;
4. Sustaining Members: those who performed well in relation to the ideals
of the organization and who pay a minimum of four times the normal fee for five
5. Honorary Members: successful personalities in the fields of business,
arts, culture and science. Foreign citizens will be eligible for this membership
in relation to their work for Italy and for the organization itself.
Article 4.
The application must be in written form and
addressed to the Executive Council. It must expressly include the desire to
accept all the rules and regulations of this charter, the obligation to follow,
all A.I.E.’s ruies and all resulting duties in order to fulfill A.I.E.’s
The acceptance of the application wil be left to the Executive Council. The new
member will have the obligation to follow the charter for a period of three
years, counting from the first day of the month subsequent to that of the date
of acceptance. Resignations must be presented, through certified mail, at least
three months before the year expires. In case this requirement is not observed,
the membership is considered as renewed for one year and so forth thereafter.
Article 5.
Members’ Rights
The member who has fully paid the dues can
participate in the events sponsored by the organization and use all the services
provided by A.I.E.
The services of basic legal support (counselling) are provided by a
“Committees for Legal Counselling” made up of professionals who collaborate
continuously with A.I.E.
Article 6.
Loss of the Membership Status
The loss of the status of Member happens:
a) for resignations, which, nevertheless, will not untie the member from his or
her preceding duties, unless done in the form and way illustrated in Article 4.
b) for exclusion, due to the violation of the rules of this charter, or for
non-observance of A.I.E. executive decisions, or for inappropriate behavior;
c) for missing the payments of the dues.
Article 7.
Members must pay the yearly dues, which are
decided by the Executive Council. A.I.E.’s equity consists of:
a) amounts bestowed by the founder members;
b) the member’s dues;
c) all possessions owned by A.I.E. through purchases, bequests, donations, etc.
and through all other activities as they are presented in this charter;
d) sums of money donated to A.I.E.;
e) contributions given by other associations, institutions and public
organizations having the mutual interest to support A.I.E.’s development.
A.I.E.’s members cannot ask for prorata subdivision of social assets nor
require to be refound of their dues in case of resigning or exclusion.
In case al a member decease, heirs cannot ask for subdivision or refound as per
The Assembly, in case of A.I.E. termination, will decide about the devolution al
assets and residual activities, to other humanitarian organizations.
Article 8.
Organs of the Association
The organs of the association are:
a) The Assembly
b) The Executive Council
c) The President
d) The Vice-Presidents
e) The General Secretary
Article 9.
Compositions of the Assembly
The Assembly is formed by members who settled
Each member is entitled with one vote only.
To delegate non executive members is allowed.
Article 10.
General Meeting of Members
The general meeting is called by the President
through letter sent by ordinary mail at least 30 (thirty) days before the
meeting is held.
The letter calling the meeting must contain the points that will be dealt with,
the address of the place where the meeting will take place and the exact day and
time of the meeting. The meeting must be called once a year to approve the
accounting statements.
Extraordinary meetings are also called when at least ten percent of the members
require so, or when the Executive Council deems necessary.
Article 11.
Assembly’s Resolutions
The first time the meeting is called, the
resolutions can be made with the majority of the votes and the presence of at
least half of the members.
The second time the meeting is called, a resolution is valid notwithstanding the
number of members present.
The General Secretary and the Councillors cannot vote in relation to resolutions
regarding the accounting statements of matters thereby connected.
To modify the charter it is necessary to have, in first call, the presence of at
least three fourths of the members and the majority of their votes; in second
call, the resolution will be valid independently from the number of the members
who are present, provided that a majority of two thirds of those present is
In order to terminate the association, a favorable majority of three fourths of
the members is needed.
Article 12.
The approved topics of the meeting are voted by
show of hands; nonetheless, when object of the vote regards individuals, or when
the President deems is necessary, a secret ballot will be called.
Article 13.
Presidency of the Assembly
The President of A.I.E. is also president of the
assembly; if he/she is absent, the most senior vice president will be president
of the assembly. The secretary of the assembly, elected by the members at the
assembly, will write the minutes, which will be signed by the President and by
the General Secretary.
Article 14.
Responsibilities of the Assembly
These are the Assembly’s responsibilities and
a) approval of the final balance sheets as well as of the budgets;
b) changes in the charter;
c) termination al A.I.E. and resolution about the remaining
d) choice of the members of the Executive Council and of all other councils or
boards of the association except for the first appointments made at the
foundation of A.I.E.;
e) decisions regarding any other matter presented to the Executive Council and
which the Council deems relevant.
Article 15.
Executive Council
The Executive Council is formed by:
a) the General Secretary, who is abso the Council’s president;
b) a Vice-President;
c) seven (7) councillors; and the President of the association.
Article 16.
Powers and Responsibilities of the Executive Council
The powers and responsibilities of the Council
a) implementing the decisions of the assembly in the frame of article 2;
b) stimulating debate and activity within the assembly, and deciding about
membership applications;
c) performing all tasks and duties in bine with the charter and the assembly’s
d) appointing, after a proposal by the General Secretary, representatives in
Italy and abroad. These representatives wiil manage the interests of A.I.E. and
of its members in the place where they live. The representatives are, where they
live, representing A.I.E. The representatives act as a link between A.I.E. and
the members living in the territory that they represent; the representatives
also promote and manage the activities of their representation;
e) deciding on admission applications;
f) deciding the amount of the annual membership dues.
Article 17.
To Convene the Executive Council
The General Secretary is the president of the
Executive Council, and he or she can convene it whenever he or she deems it
The Council is called through ordinary mail.
The Executive Council can also be convened il a minimum of three (3) members of
the council advance to the General Secretary a valid reason for doing so.
Article 18.
President and Vice-Presidents
The President of the association holds the
position for three (3) years and can be re-elected by the assembly for a maximum
of two consecutive terms.
The Vice-Presidents, who can number from two to six, are elected by the assembly
upon proposal by the General Secretary for a three (3) year term.
The President is in charge of and calls the assembly of the members.
Article 19.
The Presidential Honorary Committee
The Presidential Honorary Committes is comprised
of former Presidents and former Vice-Presidents of A.I.E. and, upon election by
the assembly of the members, of distinguished personalities, who will have only
honorary representation of the association.
Article 20.
The Councillors holds their office for three (3)
years and can be re-elected by the assembly for a maximum of three (3)
consecutive terms.
Article 21.
General Secretary
The General Secretary holds the office for five
(5) years and can be re-elected.
The General Secretary:
a) is the legal representative of the association and is empowered to sign on
behalf of the association;
b) can represent the association in litigations and can name legal counsels and
representatives in order to legally represent A.I.E.;
c) has unlimited powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration and
provides to draw up the annual budgets as well as the final balance sheets.
Article 22.
Ineligibility and Forfeiture Causes
For the executive members all causes stated in
art. 2382 C.C. are applied.
Article 23.
Committee for Legal Counselling
In addition to what is stated in the above
Article 5., the Committee gives advices and views about the A.I.E.’s activity
and the fulfilment of its purposes.
Article 24.
Financial Directions
The financial year starts the 1st January and
expires the 31st December.
The President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, members of the Executive
Council, Counciliors, are entitled to be reimboursed for all expenses supported,
and proved by documents, for the execution of their mandate.
Article 25.
Final Points
A. If the Council so decides, regional,
provincial and local organizations pursuing similar goals will be able to join
A.I.E. in whichever form is agreed upon. Furthermore, A.I.E., without losing its
autonomy, wlil be able to join other organizations in whichever form is decided
and after deliberation by the Executive Council. These organizations will have
to pursue humanitarian goals and can be national, international or foreign.
B. All matters not regulated by the present charter come under purview of law.